31 Days to Become a Better Man: Level Up in All Areas of Your Life! (Book)

Donato Helbling

Integrative Living Coach, Wim Hof Method Instructor,

A Computer Engineer turned world-traveling Martial Arts, Yoga, Meditation and Wim Hof Method Teacher, Donato is the personal Integrative Living coach to high performers of all walks of life.
With a passion for understanding the inner workings of the Human Experience, and an unorthodox, witty and honest teaching style, he has helped transform many lives and since 2018 has put over 7500 people in Ice Baths with his Miami Ice Club.

Now he is building (with his own hands) Six Fields, Wellness lodged in the mountains of western North Carolina. This is a place where people can enjoy Nature, escape burnout culture, and have the ultimate Integrative Living experience.